General Warriors Harold Matthews 2024

Times are changing 👍👀
If you sold your soul to a preppy private school on a full scholarship, as the headmaster, i wouldn’t be too keen on letting you play the rival sport and risk getting hurt … that’s why I was surprised to see names from St Kents, Grammar and WLBS on that list.. pretty sure they would need permission from the school, so it’s already a huge breakthrough in my books and hopefully we get to see more representation going forward
AGS and WBHS are state schools and neither of those kids would be on scholarships.
AGS and WBHS are state schools and neither of those kids would be on scholarships.

Grammar actually has a scholarship program for those out of zone via entry to the school and free boarding at Tibbs House…

But yeah the preppy private schools I meant was St Kent’s, Kings
Is anyone able to post the article about hamilton boys high school looking to block League

Something like that
Hiraka Waitai- Haenga only decent prospect on our books from Hamilton Boys

Would’ve thought it was St Kents, given how Pahulu mysteriously disappeared from the finals run