General And we start again...

I struggle when my email stops working. Can’t image the headache for a whole website 🫣
Imagine an entire business.

Trucks line up but can't go anywhere as there is no ordering information to pass onto them for deliveries. Customers waiting.

Staff running around trying to piece together how their systems work or how they can get them back.

One of the DHB's got hit a year or two back. Patients coming in for care and staff are running around trying to find out what they need, when their appointment is and medical needs. This one was bad as it affects people's lives. Their health not just their work or income.
Year one of the Warriors and we're in the premiership hunt. The future of this new club is bright 🤣

Is Geepee Turkish? Asking for a friend.

Sorry to hear everyones hard work has been erased. Thanks to admins for getting us a forum back up and running.


Jeez there's some rotten fruit in this world. It's all about easy money eh. Put me right off Turkish Delight for Xmas I can tell you
Great to see you all again.
It must have been a massive shock so much appreciation to Tajhay & his team for getting the site back on track so quickly.
As others have said - onwards & upwahds.
Conspiracy theory time:
It was the NRL who hired the Turkish hackers to destroy our forum to damper our spirits because they are scared the mighty Warriors will when the comp 🤣🤣🤣

On a serious note do the hackers now have our info like our passwords?
As an IT person, if you use the same password and email (that has been hacked) as authentication into other websites, apps then for safety, go change those passwords as well, especially social media sites. ( just incase they crack the password encryption)
Yeah sorry mate, tipping etc won't be coming back again till next season. Priority is just getting back basic stuff back, and then design and then some features that we still have current licenses for. Some other stuff may be salvageable, but content related stuff unlikely.

Was always planning a fresh overhaul of the site in the off-season, but never anticipated it would be this fresh lol
Can we bring in 3, 2, 1 next season Taj?