Sports Black Caps

John Nick

Feel for Conway. He's definitely world class just in a real slump.
The first up ball from the debutant would have been difficult for any batter to handle. Beat Kane off the pitch a few times.
Sometimes as they say, "his name was on that one "
You get the feeling that Kane has purposely controlled his innings today for the direct benefit of highlighting to Rachin the importance of blunting an attack before pressing forward.
Fuck Kane is good, and I get the feeling Rachin is a massive part of NZ cricket’s future and Kane recognises this and is teaching the young pup on how you construct an innings and more importantly a meaningful career!
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John Nick

You get the feeling that Kane has purposely controlled his innings today for the direct benefit of highlighting to Rachin the importance of blunting an attack before pressing forward.
Fuck Kane is is good, and I get the feeling Rachin is a massive part of NZ cricket’s future and Kane recognises this and is teaching the young pup on how you construct an innings and more importantly a meaningful career!
Couldn't agree more 👏