Recruitment What things should the Warriors do outside of 1st Grade to gain/retain fans?

So I'm thinking about how Warriors HQ can get more interest in the Warriors and League in general. Some of these things they might do already I'm just not good with social media.

Ideas are

Free to air NSW cup games.
Cheaper line up of clothes, maybe like a sister company.
Website that has better stats for our team (rather than going to zerotackle etc).
More social media engagement like they used to from Johnny Tuivasa Sheck.
Player profiles/spotlights when a player will get their debut for Warriors (not everyone follows lower tier games) and not earlier because no one cares yet.
Players visiting schools and promoting how education is important.
I don't think their social game could be much better, it's already extremely good.

Ultimately it comes down to continuing to win. Regardless of how much community engagement and outreach they do, people respond to winning - look how much coverage they were getting at the tail end of last year.

That sort of hype and success is the only guaranteed way to bring in casuals - just look at the All Blacks, half their fans probably couldn't name more than a handful of players but they still sell out everywhere they go.
Comes down to winning if we can get to the same or better winning percentage than the ABS. The Kiwis are a lot more competitive v Kangaroos now and they are more consistent.
Even the black caps have a strong following when they do well.. so that's the standard to meet IMO..
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I’m keen to know what strategies and ideas are in place for grassroots to make the sport more popular for kids

I heard Auckland will soon have a professional football team in the A league to rival Wellington Phoenix. That’s going it even tougher to compete
I’m keen to know what strategies and ideas are in place for grassroots to make the sport more popular for kids

I heard Auckland will soon have a professional football team in the A league to rival Wellington Phoenix. That’s going it even tougher to compete
Yup and parents are getting more worried about concussion as well.

League just isn't promoted to kids and that's why I mentioned visiting schools.

Lots of Rippa which is a way better transition to league than rugby.
So I'm thinking about how Warriors HQ can get more interest in the Warriors and League in general. Some of these things they might do already I'm just not good with social media.

Ideas are

Free to air NSW cup games.
Cheaper line up of clothes, maybe like a sister company.
Website that has better stats for our team (rather than going to zerotackle etc).
More social media engagement like they used to from Johnny Tuivasa Sheck.
Player profiles/spotlights when a player will get their debut for Warriors (not everyone follows lower tier games) and not earlier because no one cares yet.
Players visiting schools and promoting how education is important.
I’d love to see the home website updated with profiles of all of the Warriors teams, , seasonal stats and tables etc.
Being able to view lower grade sides is key to growing interest in the club and being able to see the talent coming through.
There looks to be an opportunity here for SKY to have a weekly recap show to showcase highlights and possibly talk to these players about how where they have come from and how they are adapting to the club, the travel, fitness and skills required at this level. It would be great to get to know about the coaches who will be guiding these kids through the season too.
Touch rugby is really popular these days - especially at the elite schools like Kings, St Kent’s and Grammar.
I think league has more similarities to touch than union so need to somehow build relationships with these schools and formulate connections. Easier said than done. But the Warriors performance last season as caught everyone’s attention. GiMicky phrases like “up the ways” also helps. Need to capitalise while the iron is hot
Touch rugby is really popular these days - especially at the elite schools like Kings, St Kent’s and Grammar.
I think league has more similarities to touch than union so need to somehow build relationships with these schools and formulate connections. Easier said than done. But the Warriors performance last season as caught everyone’s attention. GiMicky phrases like “up the ways” also helps. Need to capitalise while the iron is hot
I agree about Touch. It’s actually a variation of league, albeit a seperate sport now.

Big opportunity for a collaboration with the Warriors sponsoring competitions and tournaments and NRL players turning up regularly at competitions. Tickets given out every week to upcoming games.

You could grow the kids following the sport faster this way than investing in league juniors.
I agree about Touch. It’s actually a variation of league, albeit a seperate sport now.

Big opportunity for a collaboration with the Warriors sponsoring competitions and tournaments and NRL players turning up regularly at competitions. Tickets given out every week to upcoming games.

You could grow the kids following the sport faster this way than investing in league juniors.

AIMS in Tauranga is hugely popular for 7th / 8th grade kids. They have 11 a side football, futsal, touch as well as 7 a side rugby …. what about 5 aside league?…
I agree about Touch. It’s actually a variation of league, albeit a seperate sport now.

Big opportunity for a collaboration with the Warriors sponsoring competitions and tournaments and NRL players turning up regularly at competitions. Tickets given out every week to upcoming games.

You could grow the kids following the sport faster this way than investing in league juniors.

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So I'm thinking about how Warriors HQ can get more interest in the Warriors and League in general. Some of these things they might do already I'm just not good with social media.

Ideas are

Free to air NSW cup games.
Cheaper line up of clothes, maybe like a sister company.
Website that has better stats for our team (rather than going to zerotackle etc).
More social media engagement like they used to from Johnny Tuivasa Sheck.
Player profiles/spotlights when a player will get their debut for Warriors (not everyone follows lower tier games) and not earlier because no one cares yet.
Players visiting schools and promoting how education is important.
In Aus they have ‘clean’ sponsor free jerseys at best n less for like $50 never really saw that when I was in NZ believe Postie plus is the sister company in NZ.

One of the big hurdles League has in NZ is that in the regions it’s rare to even have league as an option. Hamilton/Tauranga/Rotorua/New Plymouth/Gisborne/Hastings/Napier/Palmerston North boys highs all compete across multiple sports and cultural activities in a super 8 comp- sponsoring league to be one of those sports for example is something that’s worth a look
I support a league one English football team. There are a couple of young guys, one a teenager, the other 9 or 10 and they have their own youtube site. They attend all matches, home and away , interview fans outside the stadium. They also have access to players and manager for after match interviews. They are really good shows, there questions are excellent, well research and their knowledge is unbelievable, especially for a kid.
It brings a real personal touch, so much better than an ex player or Sky presenter.
I would like the club to encourage a kid to do the same with the us. There must be a few kids out there that would love to do something like this assuming the club would give them access.
Social media game is absolutely on point atm. Massive props to the club for this. The videos that they were putting up during the season on youtube were awesome. "One Take" and "straight up" were compulsory viewing for me.

I also enjoyed what Monty Betham was doing, interviewing the old boys, but not sure if that was a club organised thing.

Beyond that, keep winning and more people will get on the bandwagon tbh.