Post Match 2023 Broncos vs Warriors - Week 3 Finals (Post Match)




01 Jan 1970

Match Stats

/ Field Goals /
/ 2P Field Goals /
Try Assists
% Possession %
/ Set Completion /
Time in Opposition Half
Metres Gained
Dummy Half Runs
/ Kicks/Kick Metres /
1 on 1 Steals
Line Breaks
Line Break Assists
Support Play
/ Set Completion /
Penalties (Conceded)
Set Restarts

Player Stats


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Webby got asked if bunker should rule on obvious things like the forward pass. He said he didn't want to talk about it.

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It basically killed the game, should have been a scrum at halfway our ball, 1 try to put them under pressure

Aussie officials tend to kick us in the gut in these moments when we were trying to grab back momentum, Remus Smith try in Anzac game, Tohu getting whacked on the chin with swinging arm, and now forward pass and to a lesser extend a soft sin bin
It basically killed the game, should have been a scrum at halfway our ball, 1 try to put them under pressure

Aussie officials tend to kick us in the gut in these moments when we were trying to grab back momentum, Remus Smith try in Anzac game, Tohu getting whacked on the chin with swinging arm, and now forward pass and to a lesser extend a soft sin bin
And was the Barnett high tackle penalty any worse than the Egan one that he stayed down for?


The difference in class between the finalists and everyone else is very apparent. But even so I thought that we still had a chance until the shocking forward pass and try gave the Broncos the momentum.
Thanks for an amazing season Warriors. I am looking forward to seeing us grow into a consistent top 4 side and I can see it happening with the coaching staff that we have.
See you all next year


Proud of the boys. Right now I have no stomach to watch the Grand Final.

I'm not going to critique the players yet, but I can say NZ audience deserve better commentary, just used the Australians if you are going to offer up Lamar
Ennius salivating over the Broncos and Blocka deathriding us wouldn’t have been an easier listen
Some thoughts from the game.

Caveat. Love the team and am stoked we got 3rd. We overachieved massively this season.

This is harsh, time to improve things, type comment.

1. We weren’t really in that game after the Broncs first try. All the dominance was the Broncs. We’d try and pull momentum back

2. We are too slow right across the park. It’s obvious on every break.

3. We are too old; all our vets were ragged by half times. Tohu spent half the game on his haunches or struggling to get back to the defensive line.

4. Haas absolutely owned AFB.

5. SJ tried to carry the team but we had no 13 and no 6.

6. Webby struggles to beat top teams. There’s no variation for teams that are better than us. Getting beaten in the offload count in both the Penrith and Broncs games is not a good sign.

Seriously bro. Pull the handbrakes on this criticism. Too old? Too slow? Webby lacks variation? A tad harsh don’t you think?

Absolutely there’s still work to do. But there’s only two teams in front of us right now - Penrith and Brisbane.

And full credit to the Broncos. They played the perfect dry weather football.

Offloads galore and minimal mistakes. A coaches dream.

We played our structured game. It’s what we’re good at this year. But next year, I’d like this offload/jungle footy introduced back into our arsenal for dry weather tracks. It’s all good.

As fans, nothing to feel bad about. Bronocos were the better team today.
I would be a tad worried if I was the Broncos.

We scored 3 tries relatively easier with good shape. Panthers have better shape and attacking structures than us so will be that more lethal.

And Panthers are a defensive juggernaut, they won’t be letting 20+ offloads, and if the Broncs make some errors then they the Pahs will pounce.

Should be a good game to watch, but am picking Clearys boys to get the three peat.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he actually called it quits. He was apparently close to doing so after last season
Tohu won’t quit, he and SJ are the leaders of this side. He’s told Maguire he won’t play for the KIwis, need to get his body right and have some time off.

Webby and Tohu will embrace tonight and use it as motivation for 2024.

We get another great leader and role model back for the young lads in RTS. Chanel might be our 6 seeing what TMM dished up tonight.
Yeah I’m not down at all. In fact I went into this week happy win or lose.

I really think the finals have shown what the difference is at the top 2 teams.

I would love to see more youth in the 17 next year.


None of our up and comings have the sort of blistering speed I saw today from Walsh, Man, Cobbo, even their forwards looked a step or theee quicker than our boys - Haas almost ran away in broken play. They broke our defensive structure multiple times doing this. It was impressive yet frustrating to watch.

Not sure how you counter speed and offloads. It’s so hard to defend against. I liked the way each time the broncos made contact they would twist their bodies and shake off defenders with their shoulders to put themselves in position to offload. Capewell, Cardigan, Haas .. all of them were doing it. A lot of good things for Webby to look in the off-season.
Seriously bro. Pull the handbrakes on this criticism. Too old? Too slow? Webby lacks variation? A tad harsh don’t you think?

Absolutely there’s still work to do. But there’s only two teams in front of us right now - Penrith and Brisbane.

And full credit to the Broncos. They played the perfect dry weather football.

Offloads galore and minimal mistakes. A coaches dream.

We played our structured game. It’s what we’re good at this year. But next year, I’d like this offload/jungle footy introduced back into our arsenal for dry weather tracks. It’s all good.

As fans, nothing to feel bad about. Bronocos were the better team today.
You mistake my adjustments for criticisms. I’m not singling out individuals. You yourself said the broncos are faster. Well so are the Panthers. We need to get faster to dominate.

Again not singling out players, but we looked worn out at the end of the game. Have for a few games outside Knights. We have veterans, all those games take a toll.
I thought we were really in it at the beginning. Great start scoring first with a nice move. But defence was worryingly soft.

That forward pass killed us. One of the worst I've ever seen. After that it was well and truly over.

Not too upset though, Broncos are a really good team and those offloads were killer. I think that's the only way to break down Penrith. I guess we'll see next week.

proud of the boys, proud of the fans. What a year, bring on 2024
Pompey was a diamond last week but a gravel rock today

Couldn’t kick a conversation to save his life. Lost the ball in the first tackle off the scrum. Gets binned for 10. What a god dam disaster. Also losing the ball on the first tackle killed our confidence and fight back.

Ford - not paying attention to Walters that close to the line and getting fooled by the dummy pass is criminal.

Jazz’s absolute brain explosion trying an offload and tiring position over was so Jazz like.

It’s these critical moments from our usual brain fart players that changed the momentum of the game. I could see heads dropping after each play.

DWZ doing what he does on D and cutting on catching no one was so DWZ like…

SJ looked super frustrated also.

I dunno. It is what it is. You take the highs of last week then need to swallow the lows of defeat