General Betting

On Dec 29 I put 10 each way on a roughie Jasprit Trouble at the Motukarara Trots at fixed odds of 60 to win and 12 to place.
10 minutes later his price went up to 80 for the win so I slapped another 10 on the win.
It was a poor 35-41 trot field and when I watched his previous race videos his form was better than it looked on paper.
He won.
They have a deeper understanding.
They have your name and contact information and they know you are a punter.
They don't give money away. Correct.
They're smart.
PS. There will be limits and conditions.
Are you in ownership at all John.

John Nick

Are you in ownership at all John.
No mate. Not any more.
Last time was a syndication from my local.
Won 2 races and was lots of fun. Travel in a bus with a group of friends and a day out.
No money in NZ unless you are very very lucky
I've had a couple of good ones already this season...



I've spent about $45 in total on small bets.