Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention Discussion
key: T = Team option, M = Mutual option, P = Player option, D = Development contract

Confirmed Top 30 2024: 28/30
Confirmed Development 2024: 5/6

Confirmed Top 30 2025: 26/30
Confirmed Development 2025: 1/6

2025 Gains: James Fisher-Harris (Panthers), Jett Cleary (Panthers Pathways), Kahu Capper (Roosters Pathways)
2025 Losses: Addin Fonua-Blake (Sharks)
2025 Off Contract: Shaun Johnson, Jazz Tevaga
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Kane Williamson did his ACL in May and played the world cup in October. Although it's different sports and workloads, it's crazy how these guys do rehab these days.

It took me 12 months to properly recover from my ACL surgery. Shows how much better rehab resources pros have access to.
Exactly, different codes or not…..still physical games in their own respect at the highest level.

They do fly these guys to specialists all around the world to heal in half the time it takes regular folk.
Having a think about Chanel's last stint, he had Mooks for most of it, hardly the most innovative halves coach, then bloody Browny tinkering around with a makeshift nomad squad struggling for players. Then Stacey for 6 weeks trying to put some pride back in a demoralised jumper.

Hasn't been the best environment for CHT to excell, so it's hard to judge his ceiling. He could surprise us all, Webby appears to see something in him a lot of us don't. I know less now than I did before I started thinking, happens every time.
CHT end of season, think it was 2020 when we were based at Gosford, he was on fire the last month. Remember seeing him destroy Manly in the final game. Tough kid, plays to the line and hits like a back rower.

Remember they belted Knights at Tamworth and he & RTS formed a good combo that day too.

Left right kicking combo always an added luxury to have at your disposal. I got jack of those Telegraph pole height bombs CHT was instructed to kick from Brown. Hope he has left that kick where it belongs, in the can!
very strange that some sites are saying RV is a 12 month loan and others are reporting a release and two year deal with the Dragons. If released unfortunately I think we will be paying some freight (just an assumption, no oil) I heard he is being well overpaid for his current ranking.

Highly unlikely to be paying freight

If reports are true, RV is the one who has asked to be released.
Volkman leaving makes SJ even more valuable. I’m unconvinced any of the other half options can guide the team around the park if SJ goes down.

On the positive the fact that Volkman has taken a one year deal to leave, means he didn’t really want to be here. Also that Webster feels comfortable releasing him means he’s confident that we can cover him.
Man how bad are the Dragons halves right now.
Got rid of Sullivan who was decent.
Amone will get his contract torn up shortly.
Ben Hunt publically doesn't wanna be there.
Flanno only signed as daddy is coach.

Even then, Volk is only next in line at the Dragons which is a similar position here. Although this does make me wonder if CHT is now considered a half option (not sure why, I just considered he'd be a bench utility now). CHT always had a lot of those great qualities that made him a good clubman, maybe with a better coach and structured team his half play has improved markedly. I mean, most players improved under Webby so maybe CHT is smashing it
Even with Hunt not wanting to be there he still carried them in most of their games in '23 haha.
Wasn't Everyone calling volkman Lino 2.0? while he had a great kicking game, his defense did need some work especially at 1st grade.
Wish him all the best Hopefully our injuries are OK especially at the back end of next season🤞
Got hooked in the game against the Sharks as his defence (and the entire left side) was being ripped to bits!! Then when injuries hit the halves later in the season, Webster preferred Walker over RV so hardly surprised he wanted out! Not sure going to the Dragons will do his career any favours!